Alden Jewell Collection

Alden  Jewell  Collection

Alden Jewell was born on August 11, 1937 and began collection automobile literature in 1948 – when he was 11 years old.  By 1950 when he was 13 years old, Alden began started writing to automobile manufacturers for literature and information – as well as visiting dealerships for information.  He even asked dealerships to look in the attics for older literature and at least twice he was rewarded with pre-war literature.  Just our kind of researcher here at Undiscovered Classics.

In 1951, we are now lucky enough that he wrote a letter to DM Nacional based on articles he had read in magazines.  Alden received the following information directly from DM Nacional.  He had written them the letter on (Alden to provide date).

DM  Nacional  Automobile  Program
Included in Letter Dated October 17, 1951

DM  Nacional  Communication
Included in Letter Dated October 17, 1951

DM  Nacional  Communication
Included in Letter Dated October 17, 1951

Translation of Envelope Return Address:  Exclusive Distributors of Prestigious Steel Equipment