Mac’s Modern Articles

Modern   Articles
About  MacMinn  or  His  Career  and  Projects

Various  Articles

Remembering  Strother  MacMinn,  Auto  Designer  and  Educator
Motor Cities:  June  10, 2020
Author:  Robert  Tate

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Remembering  Strother  MacMinn
Veloce Today:  November  27,  2018
Author:  Tom Semple

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Strother  MacMinn  Personality  Profile
Hemming  Classic  Car:  January, 2017
Author:  Jim  Donnelly

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Strother  MacMinn: A  Life  in  Design
Old Cars Weekly, October 18, 1977
Author: Wallace Wyss
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Articles  By  Jim  Sitz

Remembering  Strother  MacMinn
Veloce Today:  November 27, 2018
Click  Here

And How!  Strother MacMinn and the Delahaye
Veloce Today:  July 4, 2017
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Strother MacMinn and the Bugatti Atlantic
Veloce Today:  July 11, 2017
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MacMinn  Articles  Via  Coachbuilt  Website

Strother  MacMinn:  A  Man  of  Wit  and  Genius
With  Special  Thanks  to  Helen  V.  Hutchings
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MacMinn  Articles  Via  Dean’s  Garage

Articles  on  Strother  MacMinn
Dean’s Garage: Various Dates
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