Hi Gang…
When good friend Will Silk contacted me about a show that benefits our four legged friends, how could I resist? And it’s up to us to see what we can do to participate gang. The best car shows combine cars, history, people, and energy in support of a worthy cause, and this show supports “castaway critters” – in a way….like many of our own fiber cars over the years.
So let’s hear more about the event from Will, and how we might be able to help.
Take it away Will!
2012 Cool Cars for Cats and Canines Exotic Car Show
Words by Will Silk
Photos by Christopher Walsh
This spring will bring the second annual Cool Cars for Cats and Canines Exotic Car Show to the Antique Automobile Club of America Museum in Hershey,Pennsylvania. The show benefits the Castaway Critters James A. Hueholt Memorial Foundation for Animals, which is a non-profit no-kill animal rescue, foster care network, and spay/neuter charity.
he Cool Cars for Cats and Canines Exotic Car Show was brought about by Tom and Betsy Clark as a way to help Castaway Critters raise money for the growing number of animals that they care for and to bring exotic car enthusiasts together in Central Pennsylvania for a relaxing day of showing off their ride and hanging out with other like minded car people wanting to help out a furry friend that they will probably never get to meet in person.
The first event went quite well in April of 2011 with over 90 exotic cars coming from as far away as Maryland and New Jersey to support the cause. Three experienced Concourse judges volunteered their time and worked with a celebrity panel of guest judges to help come up with best in class and ultimately, best in show. Now I know what you’re thinking, a lot of people get nervous when the word “Concourse” gets mentioned, but the judges employed a method better known as “French judging”, or more plainly stated, the car that offers the most jaw dropping “WOW” factor of each class. This takes the pressure off both the participant and the judge, as both know full and well that they won’t be scrutinizing hose clamps and valve cover bolts for originality.
Of the 99 cars, the classes included European (non-Italian), Italian, Ferrari (thanks to the strong showing of this marque’s owners), British, Asian, and American. The cars were of incredible caliber, and class winners ranged from a 1972 Lotus Europa to a 2011 Ferrari 599 GTO. “I never saw so many incredible cars in one place-especially right here in Central Pennsylvania!” remarked one attendee.
Will Silk’s Challenge to Forgotten Fiberglass:
So here’s the challenge I propose to the fiberglass sports car crowd that’s within a reasonable distance of Hershey,Pennsylvania.
Nothing is more exotic than the ‘glass masterpieces we know and love here on Forgotten Fiberglass. After a brief chat with organizer Tom Clark about bringing a few American fiberglass sports cars into the show, his response was very positive and enthusiastic. Therefore, this show is a perfect place to come out and display your awesome classic fiberglass sports car, educate the public about the history of your car, and most of all help out a really good cause.
Registration is open until April 14, 2012 with the show set to kick off at 10 AM on Saturday, April 28th 2012; and it’s bound to be a bigger turnout than last year’s inaugural event. A $20 dollar donation allows you to show your car, gain access to the participant tent, and receive a pass to the AACA Museum for the day.
For more information, check out the show’s website below:
Click here to check out their website for additional detail.
Glass On!!!
Will Silk
So….can we meet Will’s challenge and have some vintage ‘glass at the event? I hope so, and I stand ready to help with any information or support materials / informational flyers about your car – needed to get that cool vintage fiberglass car of yours on the road and headed to Hersey in late April. This event will be, no doubt, one cool car show for cats and canines abound.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
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Hi Geoff,
Thanks so much again for running this article and being supportive of the show. I really am excited to be part of this event again and will be thrilled to see any vintage fiberglass that may be able to make it to Hershey for the show.
~ hey Will, thanks for submitting this article. i’ve forwarded portions and the link to dear friend Ellen Pratt, founder & chairperson of Happy Hearts Animal Rescue in St.Louis/Fenton, Missouri. i’m hoping she will be able to utilize this concept to help with much needed support for her rescue effort. best of luck with the show. scot
Thanks Scot, I wish Ellen the best in her endeavors to secure a similar event for the folks and critters in the St. Louis region.