Hi Gang…
Last week we were honored to be guests on a podcast produced by Greg Stanley called the Collector Car Podcast. Greg is an RM Sotheby’s Car Specialist Consultant and has over 25 years of experience in the collector car market. He also hosts a podcast called The Collector Car Podcast and for the past few years has produced and posted 130+ episodes that you can enjoy. Greg shares the following information about himself and his enterprise on his website:
The Car Collector Podcast is the home for the True Auto Enthusiast. Join RM Sotheby’s Consultant Greg Stanley as he applies over 25 years of insight and analytical experience to the collector car market. Greg interviews the experts, reviews market trends and even has some fun.
Greg and I started talking last year about bringing Undiscovered Classic on board for a podcast on his show. Earlier this month, and just after our showing of 3 cars at the Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, things came together nicely for such an event. And for the first time for one of our podcasts, I asked another person to join us and share their perspective on these cars during the podcast – Guy Dirkin.
I asked Guy Dirkin to join us for two reasons. Guy has been a part of our enterprise since its inception in 2006, and in the last few years has been playing a larger and more important role in many of the things we do here at Undiscovered Classics. Greg gave Guy and I our first chance to co-present the material discussed and it came off very nicely – with Greg Stanley at the wheel, of course.
Another reason for Guy’s participation here is that RM Sotheby’s is offering his Byers SR-100 for auction later this month. You can click on the link below to view the auction. It starts on June 23, 2021 and lasts about a week online. Here’s the link to review the auction:
Click Here To View Guy Dirkin’s Byers SR-100 on the RM Sotheby’s Auction Website
It’s the first time that our organization has worked directly with an auction house and we hope that the presentation of the car and the performance of the auction comes off successfully.
Our podcast lasts about an hour. The first part of the podcast focuses on Undiscovered Classics and the cars we research, find and restore. We also talk a bit about the showing of our cars this year at the 2021 Amelia Concours. The second part of the session focuses on the history of the Byers company and the Byers SR-100 sports car that is being auctioned by RM Sotheby’s later this month. Click on the small triangle below to listen to this podcast:
Thanks again to Greg Stanley for having both Guy Dirkin and myself as guests on his show. You can learn more about The Collector Car Podcast by visiting the link to his home page below:
Click Here To Visit The Home Page of The Collector Car Podcast
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember…
The adventure continues here at Undiscovered Classics.
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