Hi Gang…
Be still my heart…
I hope we have enough restored ‘glass out there to fill the demand, but Forgotten Fiberglass cars are finally enjoying their day in the sun. Two events are scheduled for this year, and the first out of the box is an impressive Concours e’ Elegance celebration held in Houston, Texas.
Good friend Jim Simpson has been working on adding a fiberglass class to the Houston event ever since seeing what was accomplished via Bill Warner at the Amelia Island Concours d’ Elegance in 2010, and especially after our exciting feature with Leon Flagg at the Milwaukee Masterpiece Concours d’ Elegance this past summer.
I asked Jim if he would be willing to write up a short piece on the event encouraging all of you to join us, and for those interested to consider bringing your famous fiberglass to the event.
Let’s see what Jim had to say.
Classy Chassis Concours in Houston, Texas: June 9 and 10, 2012
Classy Chassis Concours in Houston Texas celebrates its 9th birthday this year. The show has become a 2 day event. The dates of the show this year are June 9th -10th, with set up on June 8th.
“Yeah sure that’s just great but Houston is miserable in June,” I hear you say.
But wait—the event takes place on the floor of Reliant Stadium in air-conditioned splendor.
A true Concours event, cars come by invitation only, and we have seen some of the finest motorcars in the world, attending from all corners of the globe. Jim Simpson, Chief Judge for Classy Chassis here. I have asked Geoff to help me put the word out that this year we will feature a small but select class of “American Fiberglass Specials” or “Forgotten Fiberglass” cars.
These will be chosen by the Selection Committee from applications submitted.
Already we have 3 cars registered in the class and room for 4 or 5 more. Entries need to be in show worthy condition. Each vehicle will be judged by a panel of knowledgeable judges unless its owner asks that it not be judged.
Before you get in a knot over the idea of having your car judged, you need to know that the judging in Houston, unlike many events, is a celebration of that which is good and right about a car. This is not an event where cars are picked apart.
A very subjective form of judging that weighs the design of a given car very highly. So it’s a very friendly, low impact event for owners and their cars. We have worked very hard from the beginning to make sure this is a fun event and one people look forward to every year and return to year after year.
What makes this show so special?
Well, for one, it is a legitimate charity show formed for the enjoyment of the car owners and to the benefit of the selected charity. The show features a wonderful hospitality room with complimentary food and beverages for the sponsors and car owners.
At Classy Chassis you’ll see the organizers of the show, including the chair and co-chairman and chief judge, there throughout the weekend, enjoying the cars, not just at the beginning when you arrive and at the end as you’re leaving. There’s a lot to do and see at Classy Chassis, superb live music, interviews and, of course, the incredible cars.
We award lovely trophies, 3 places deep in each class. Every car that receives an award is shown on the two large screens on either end of the stadium during the awards ceremony. Cars are generally not eligible for return to the show for at least a year after they have been shown, insuring a fresh field of cars each year.
The Special feature classes also change, and this year Historic American Fiberglass Specials prior to 1970 is one of the special feature classes at Classy Chassis.
For information on the show and to make application. please see the website below:
Look forward to seeing you there…
So come one, come all. Those of you in the Midwest and Southern States may find it’s close by and easy to get to. And… if you can’t participate I encourage you to join us and have some fun. We’d love to see you!
Vintage ‘glass across America is finally having its day in the sun, and what better way to recognize this than to throw your hat in the ring and come on down – for the weekend – and celebrate some of the finest cars across America – including some metal and alloy ones too…
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
I will personally attest to the high quality of this event. I have been to three so far and now that I read about the fiberglass class, this year is booked for me as well. The absolute best thing about this show is that it is accessable. You can walk right up to the cars and peer inside, crawl underneath (if you want) or open the doors (with permisison of the owners) to get pictures of the interior. They did this because their wonderful charity is Cystic Fibrosis, and they bring many kids in chairs and other assistance to see the show too. It’s never overcrowded, the air conditioning is wonderful, and it allows one to spend all day amongst the cars and their owners. Oh – they have a live band, TV interviews and car engine runs throughout the day. Win a Mercedes contest, T-shirts and good concessions. Sports car rides outside. Accessibility to the car also means you can take better-than-usual pictures all day. I took so many pictures one year the organizers thought I was with the media!
Jeff….great to hear about your car. What magazine did it appear in? I think it was Hot Rod Mag back in the day, but do you have the name, month, and year? Thanks! Geoff
my car, the 1957 Moore Hemi Roadster has been selected for this event. Looking forward to the show.
Hi Jeff, we are thrilled that car is coming to Houston for the show… I am sure it will be a big hit with all the folks that attend, I know already I am a fan.