Hi Gang…
Last month we were honored to be guests on a podcast produced by Motor Trend and Carparts.com called the “Two Guys Garage Podcast.” This is an extension of a program on Motor Trend TV called by the same name and features two hosts: Kevin Byrd and Willie B. If you haven’t caught Two Guys Garage on Motor Trend TV (formerly Velocity Channel) it’s worth checking them out. They just celebrated the 20th anniversary of the tv program, and in today’s competitive multimedia environment that is an impressive achievement. Here’s what their website says about their program:
Two Guys Garage hosts Kevin Byrd and Willie B are sharing their passion about all things automotive. Taking full advantage of the podcast format, the guys tackle a wide range of topics and conduct fact-and-fun-filled interviews with friends and leaders in the car space – all in the same freewheeling, just havin’-fun manner fans of the long-running MotorTrend TV series have been enjoying for years.
Undiscovered Classics on Two Guys Garage:
Guy Dirkin joined me for this podcast, and it’s the second time we’ve done a podcast together (click here to listen to our podcast earlier this year with RM Sotheby featuring Guy Dirkin and myself). I’m lucky to have Guy Dirkin join me on these opportunities, and I think it makes a more well-rounded experience for the audience. As before, I asked Guy Dirkin to join us for two reasons:
- Guy has been a part of our enterprise since its inception in 2006
- In the last few years, Guy has been playing a larger and more important role in many of the things we do here at Undiscovered Classics
Our podcast with Two Guys Garage lasts 45 minutes. There is a 5 minute opening by the hosts which sets the stage on these types of cars and what we do at Undiscovered Classics. Then….off we go for a 45 minute discussion on lost handcrafted cars across America. Click on the small triangle below to listen to this podcast:
Thanks again to Kevin Byrd and Willie B for having both Guy Dirkin and myself as guests on their show. You can learn more about The Two Guys Garage Podcast by visiting the link to their home page below:
Click Here To Visit The Home Page of The Two Guys Garage Podcast
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember…
The adventure continues here at Undiscovered Classics.
Jut listened to the Two Guy Garage pod cast with you and Guy. I am glad things are moving forward. I am looking forward to future stories, I check in often. Cant wait to see your entries for Amelia 2022.
~ Great conversation. Thanks for all the information, and particularly the stories.