Hi Gang…
Wow! Full pages ads for fiberglass sports cars? Simply amazing.
By 1960, the second generation of fiberglass sports cars you could build yourself was beginning to take force in the industry. Glasspar, Woodill, Allied, Venus, Grantham Stardust….these were names from the distant past, and Victress and Almquist would soon end their magnificent runs ceasing to provide opportunity for young men across America to build their sports car dreams.
But look what was coming down the pike – the big guns. Kellison, Devin, Bocar, LaDawri and soon to join them – Bud Goodwin’s Fiberfab. The Second Generation of fiberglass sports cars was beginning to take hold, and it showed in this June 1960 Issue of Sportscar Graphic.
As with Car Craft in March 1956, this issue of Sportscar Graphic included a “Fiberglass Buyer’s Guide,” and we’ll present excerpts from this Buyer’s Guide over the next few weeks. But something remarkable was included in this issue of the magazine concerning these cars.
Two full page ads for fiberglass sports cars and kits you could build themselves. Wow!
The first ad appeared on the inside of the front cover, and this was dedicated to Les and Joan Dawes’ company – LaDawri. This is the feature article for today’s story. No less impressive is the remaining full-page ad for Kellison – shown on the back cover of the magazine. We’ll discuss that ad in a future story.
For today’s story, let’s review the LaDawri ad in all its glory.
LaDawri Coach Craft: Beauty That’s More Than Skin Deep!
The LaDawri Conquest – a beautiful fiberglass body that mounts on the Thunderbird, Corvette, Henry J, Jeepster without modification or any American chassis with proper modification. Easiest body available to install because it includes all the extras that others omit.
LaDawri bodies are stress engineered and are made of isotholic resin combining maximum strength and flexibility. Compare these exclusive features with any fiberglass body made:
- One piece body
- Built-in door jambs
- Molded alignment bar for proper door mounting
- Roll bar housing and windshield frame installed
- Built-in headlight and taillight buckets
- No plywood molding
- Easy bolt-on installation without major modification
- Perfect surface finish
- Complete line of accessories including seats, dash, removable hardtop
Tube and space frames, semi and completed cars built to order.
The Quest Q.T. for imported car chassis newest LaDawri body includes all features as Conquest including molded windshield wiper mounting for stock unit. Only modification on M.G. is to lower radiator. Equally simple installation on any imported car chassis 90” wheelbase or up.
Send $1.00 for complete 16 page booklet with full instructions for fiberglass body installation and chassis modifications.
LaDawri Coach Craft
1528 Cana Avenue, Department G, Long Beach, California
This was an exciting time for LaDawri, and things were going to get even more adventurous for Les and Joan Dawes. They had just launched their “Quest Q.T.” The Quest Q.T. was the smallest version of the full size Conquest and was a striking little car. Fewer than 10 of these were made, and only 2-3 have been found so far, so be on the lookout gang.
By the way….concerning the name “Quest Q.T.”, Joan told me more about this name. Specifically, she said:
”Sound it out Geoff….what does it sound like?”
I’m kinda slow….I finally got it…..it means the Quest “Cutie.” Joan was the creative force behind the name, and now I finally understand. I’m like a hard working “B” student sometimes, but I’m happy to share this with you so that you know “the rest of the story…”
And…the following year in 1961, Les and Joan Dawes of LaDawri would reach agreement with their friends Doc Boyce-Smith and Merrill Powell of Victress and the Dawes family would purchase Victress and all of its assets from Boyce-Smith and Powell. Les and Joan Dawes’ company was growing by leaps and bounds and the sky seemed the limit in June 1960.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
- Great Front 3/4 Shot of LaDawri Conquest. I’ve Always Loved the Front End Styling On This LaDawri.
- The LaDawri Conquest Always Had A Nicely Balanced Profile From The Side. This Was Les Dawes’ First Design And One He Completed And Debuted With His Wife Joan In Vancover, Canada in 1956 Under The Name LaDawri “Cavalier.”
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