Hi Gang… Not many people know that several of the fiberglass sports car companies of the 1950s sold smaller versions of their cars – typically for the younger set of the owners of these same cars. Smaller versions of the … Continue reading
Hi Gang… Not many people know that several of the fiberglass sports car companies of the 1950s sold smaller versions of their cars – typically for the younger set of the owners of these same cars. Smaller versions of the … Continue reading
Hi Gang… Here’s how Frank Kurtis opened up in the sales flyer in today’s story and introduced his company to potential customers: “The Frank Kurtis Company, world’s largest builder of professional racing cars for over 25 years, maintains leadership through … Continue reading
Hi Gang… There’s not many of these Devin Jr’s around, and what fun it would be to have a miniature of your favorite fiberglass car – in this case a Devin – zooming around your home, garage, and family. Zoom … Continue reading
Hi Gang… I first reported on the “James McDaniel Special” – a half midge sized fiberglass car, in late Fall 2011. Gary McDaniel, his son, has since begun plans for restoration of his family’s nice little fiber car, and continues … Continue reading
Hi Gang… I have been searching for the original copy of this ad for 5+ years. And one of our Forgotten Fiberglass Fanatics delivered it once again. I work with the greatest gang of car guys in the world 🙂 … Continue reading
Hi Gang… I’ve been resisting writing about quarter-midgets for quite some time – for several reasons. First, they are new to me and there is a great amount of information out there on the internet about them. And second…. they … Continue reading
Hi Gang… Some research starts at the beginning…..some at the end. This particular story was like reading one of Stephen Covey’s Management books which states that in business problem solving we should always “start with the end in mind.” And … Continue reading